For frequently asked questions, please refer to the Q&A list below.
If your question is not in the list, please click the Inquiry Form button below to contact us directly.
- Q1. Why do I have to conduct IOT?
- By conducting IOT, you can verify your product’s connection compatibility with KDDI’s network and prevent network connectivity problems before your product goes on sale. You can also advertise your product as officially verified in connecting to KDDI’s network.
- Q2. Will KDDI guarantee the quality of the products that have passed IOT?
- KDDI does not guarantee a product’s quality just by passing IOT. For manufacturers, please use your own quality certification for your products.
- Q3. Are there any requirements to conduct IOT?
- To conduct IOT, your product needs to be equipped with a chipset or a communication module that has passed IOT. For requirements regarding the network, please access the Member’s site. Depending on the availability of equipment and facility, you may not be able to conduct IOT on your desired time.
- Q4. What is the passing criterion for IOT?
- The criterion is to pass all test items defined by KDDI based on the specifications of the product. The test outline is available in Member’s site.
- Q5. How do I apply for IOT?
- If you wish to conduct IOT, please login to Member’s site and contact us through the Inquiry Form. We will contact you to arrange a meeting and explain in detail on how to apply and conduct IOT.
- Q6. How long does it take to pass IOT?
- Depending on the type of your product, the test items will be different. The test items and the quality of your product affect the testing period. The testing period may be a few days or a few months.
- Q7. Does it cost to conduct IOT?
- Yes, the cost will be determined by the type and specifications of your product.
- Q8. Are there any restrictions on devices eligible for IOT?
- We do not set any restrictions on devices. As long as the device can connect to KDDI’s network, the device is eligible for IOT.
- Q9. Can I borrow the equipment needed for IOT from KDDI?
- Yes, we will provide all the necessary facilities such as SIM card, lab, and equipment. For details, please access the Member’s site.
- Q10. What kind of information is available in Member’s site?
- You can find information that is necessary to conduct IOT. For manufacturers that wish to conduct IOT, please register first and read the information posted in Member’s site.
- Q11. How can I get the ID and password for the Member’s site?
- Please click Member Registration on the side menu. Agree to the Terms of Use and fill in the required information. We will send you the ID and password based on the information you provided.
- Q12. What kind of tests are included in IOT?
- IOT includes network protocol-related tests. Performance-related tests are not included.
For other questions, please send them through the inquiry form.
※The inquiry form is available to members only.